For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.   

Habakkuk 2:14 KJV

Council of Apostolic and Prophetic Ambassadors is a virtual Christian para-ministry.  It was founded in 2020.  Our Kingdom assignment is to provide biblically-based teaching, training and share spiritual intelligence of prayer points and initiatives through a synergy of apostolic and prophetic voices (Eph 2:20, 4:11).  Our ears are attentive to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying concerning the church and marketplace, our nation, and global events aligning to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Our goal is to execute purpose by way of deployment of strategic, prophetic prayer and intercession through our prayer network and the Body of Christ.

Spiritual Intelligence

Prayer Network

Kingdom Deployment

Donna Natson is the founder and director of CAPA.    She was ordained a prophet in 1998 through Missions for Christ Ministries in Philadelphia, PA.  She has served church and marketplace leaders over the span of 20 years in areas of administration, education, operations, healing, music industry and several prophetic ministries.  Donna studied Leadership Development at Bethel Leadership Network, obtained her Christian Leadership Coaching Certification at Strategic Leadership International through Apostle Ulf Spears, and currently pursuing a degree in Organizational Leadership. 

Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.  

Matthew 6:10 KJV

Prayer Ministry Network

CAPA House of Prayer

CAPA House of Prayer is a prayer ministry of the Council of Apostolic and Prophetic Ambassadors. It is a virtual prayer network with a clarion call to prophetically pray for our leaders, our nation and abroad. (1 Tim 2:1-4).  The vision of CAPA House of Prayer is to virtually plant a prayer chapter in every state. Currently, there are three Chapters.  The National Chapter serves as the primary hub and highlights a state each month with strategic prayer points given by the Holy Spirit, and the California and South Carolina Chapters with a state prayer focus.  

Our monthly gatherings are not broadcasted to the general public; however, the National Chapter prays for Israel (3-3:15pm PT), the nations (6-6:15pm PT) and covers urgent prayer requests (9-9:15pm PT) from the general public live every Friday on Clubhouse. You need not be present in order for our team to pray for you. Urgent prayer requests can be inboxed in advance to

Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people.

Isaiah 56:7 KJV

20/20 Precision Ministry Pray-ers

20/20 PMP started because of the revelation that we can no longer pursue purpose independently.  The launching as well as sustaining of ministries requires consistency of prayer. Our small prayer team, which God now wants to enlarge, gathers once a month to cover prayer requests received from church and marketplace leaders.  The gathering is recorded, and an mp3 audio replay is sent to each church and marketplace leader as complimentary.   For privacy purposes, the replay is edited so that each individual will only hear their prayer request.  If there is a stirring in your heart to pray for church and marketplace leaders in support of their God-given assignments, 20/20 Precision Ministry Pray-ers may be the prayer ministry for you.  Text 2020pmp to 41372 to learn more.

— Prophetic Development

In addition to praying together and ministering to one another, 20/20PMP also has periodic prophetic development webinars to sharpen our connection as a team and discernment as we pray for leaders. 

Church and Marketplace Leaders

If you are a church and/or marketplace leader, entrepreneur, creative or music professional and would like our team to pray for YOUR business and/or ministry, click the button below to start texting us your prayer requests.  

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.  Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

Phil. 2:3-4 KJV

Get Involved

Prayer is the heartbeat of CAPA.  Not just general prayer, but strategic prayer points for church and marketplace leaders, prophetic intercession for our nation--state by state and global events.  Our prayer teams gather monthly to cover prayer assignments. If you have a heart to pray for church and marketplace leaders and/or sense a tug to intercede for our nation, volunteer or even support CAPA monetarily, here's how you can get involved.

Prayer Ministry Opportunities 

Interested in joining one of our prayer teams?  Send us a text to schedule a virtual meet and greet to learn more.

TEXT capa_prayer to 41372 for CAPA House of Prayer (Nat'l, California & South Carolina Chapters)


TEXT 2020pmp to 41372 for 20/20 Precision Ministry Pray-ers

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